Positive Visualization Exercise

                 A simple Visualization Exercise.  Whenever  You are in a Stressful Situation

This is Simple Visualization Exercise that will enable you to relax deeply. It takes  about 10 or 15 minutes to do.But Once  you've practiced it a few times . you can call on it instantly  when ever you are in a stress full situation ,before things get out of control.
  Sit in a chair. if it's comfortable for you ,keep your back straight .Breath in through your nose to a count of four .Breath out through  your Mouth to a count of eight .If you have some privacy,say "huh,huh,huh" at the end of the exhalation . Repeat the breath four time .
   Close your eye . tighten the muscles .in your feet and then relax .Concentrate on feeling the muscles relax . Repeat .tighten the muscles in your Calves ,Relax, Feel the relaxation .and repeat  Do the same with the muscles in your thighs , then with your buttocks stomach and lower back,Than with your chest ,then your upper back ,then your shoulders ,than arms ,than hand,then neck  Make a face ,scrunching up your facial muscles ,relax and repeat.
  Think of peaceful setting .It can be a beach or forest or anything .The impotent things is that it be someplace  that you have been  where you felt  Relaxed and happy  and just all around good .Remember what the place looked like.Picture the details in your mind . then Remember the Sounds that you  heard . Next add in the smells. Then your sense of touch ... What do feel on  Your Skin ..!Finally, add in the test . let  all your senses work  as you Re experience This place where you felt  great .

    Stay in  this place in your mind for about 5 minutes , experiencing it as vividly  as you can with all of your senses
When you are ready , open your eyes . stand up lift your arms over your head and stretch .Drop your arms Shake them out

  At this point ,think about how you now know how to relax . It is Skill...learned skill ... and its now in your repertoire  of coping behaviors .The more you this practice, the more Skillful you will become.
   Then, the next time  you are feel angry or frustrated or upset ,this is what you can do.first be aware of what is going on with your body . Do you feel muscle tension ? If  so where ? Is your breathing different from the way it usually is ?Is your heart beating faster ?Do you fell other changes in your body ?Fell this physical symptoms that signal  that  you are under stress .
  Stress is the body's natural response to danger .it floods the body with chemicals that prepare it to fight or flee .this very helpful in the ancient days when a  danger  might be something  like a wild animal that you would need to fight or run away from .But nowadays ,many of the dangers  that create Stress are attack not on our physical   bodies but on our sense  of self esteem neither fighting nor running are  helpful with that ,but still the body create fight.. or.. flight chemical, and now these chemical interfere  with your ability  to cope.They can build up to such great degree that they flood your system and keep you from thinking rationally.
    So what you do ,when you realize  that you have the symptoms  of being under stress , is to take a few deep breath and recall the peaceful place that you experienced  in the relaxation exercise  .picture it  again,vividly ,  in your mind . this will help your body cut down on the flow of stress chemicals before you become so flooded with them that you can't think straight
  Think of this  as an emergency  measure that will help you cope in a moment  of crises .Later when you are  no longer   upset and when you have some time , think about what caused  you to feel stressed  out . In every stressful situation ,you are being "attacked"In some way ,but it isn't always immediately   obvious  what the attack is . So try and think it through .Many stress causing "Attacks"are things that threaten your self image ,so that's a good place to start .
  Another thing that's helpful to keep in mind as you do this introspection is that what you are reacting to,when you are stressed, is not the outside ..Danger..itself--it's your   Perception .Of that" Danger "that triggers  the stress reaction .You can examine your perception and see if you find them realistic or not .
  Finally,  if you are experiencing  a great deal , perhaps an overwhelming amount of stress in your life,that's often a sign that you may need to reassess  your direction ,think about the big picture .if you discover what it is in life that you really want to be moving toward,and than move in that direction, you may find that while you are not rid off stress completely .....it's neither possible nor desirable to be ...completely .. free of  stress ..your stress levels will drop to manageable  level.And that's a very good things .

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